cheese out
The phrase "cheese out" is informal and can have various meanings depending on the context, often implying a negative or cowardly action.
(informal)To back out of a commitment or responsibility, often at the last moment.
- He was supposed to join us for the hike, but he cheesed out at the last minute.
(slang, technical)To exploit a game mechanic or use an overly strong strategy to make the game easier.
- He cheesed out the boss fight by using a glitch.
(slang)To smile or laugh excessively, often due to being under the influence of cannabis.
- They were cheesing out after smoking.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "cheese out":
cheese upcut the cheesebutter outcheese buttoncheese eatercheese eatingcheese busfart outplastic cheesebuck outcheese cuttercrap outbeef outcheap outpork outback outhave outcheese pizzaway outfunk outcop outeat outsee outcheesed offget outlunch outbuff outcheese stickrig outpoop outpush outsub outduck outbrass outpull outforce outfluff outcork outtip outfish outgoon outshow outmack outcrack outream outgrub outgame outbitch outdab outpiece outfag outweasel outpack outslip outheel outcheese knifesqueeze outsmoke outfoul outpress outwheel outclock outrush outsponge outtake outbust outchee byepitch outage outmake the cheese more bindingtweak outpop outnut outstep outnose outcash outtag outsugar outshit out