chin up
The term "chin up" can refer to both a physical exercise and an idiomatic expression used to encourage positivity and resilience.
(technical, exercise)An exercise where a person pulls themselves up while hanging from a bar until their chin is level with the bar.
- He can do ten chin-ups in a row without stopping.
- Chin-ups are great for building upper body strength.
(idiom, informal)A phrase used to encourage someone to stay positive and confident, especially during tough times.
- Keep your chin up; things will get better soon.
- Even though she was struggling, she always kept her chin up.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "chin up":
cheer uphead upbear upbuck upchirk upbrace upbull upperk uphey uptake heartkeep it upstay uplift uppull upman upbrighten upnut upsit upbuoy uppluck upstick upon the uplighten uppush upstiff upbig upfight uppull up onkip uphang onleg upkeep upthumbs upget it upgee upheads uphop upstand upone upjump upmuscle upjerk uppink upease up