ching chong

"Ching chong" is a derogatory phrase historically used to mock and demean people of East Asian descent, mimicking the sounds of their languages.


C1Racial Slur

(offensive, informal)A derogatory phrase used to imitate the sounds of East Asian languages, often targeting Chinese, Korean, or other East/Southeast Asian individuals.


  • Using terms like 'ching chong' is not only offensive but also perpetuates harmful stereotypes.
  • The comedian faced backlash for his use of the phrase 'ching chong' during his performance.

C1Ethnic Insult

(offensive, informal)An ethnic slur aimed at people of East Asian descent, intended to belittle and mock their speech.


  • The term 'ching chong' has been used historically to demean Chinese immigrants in the United States.
  • She was shocked and hurt when she heard someone refer to her with the slur 'ching chong'.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "ching chong":

chin chinchin musicchee cheechi chichee byeding dongchow mein