chop out

The term "chop out" can refer to various actions involving cutting, removing, or assisting, depending on the context.

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🇬🇧 UK Voice:



(literal)To remove or cut away a portion of something using a sharp tool.


  • He used an axe to chop out the damaged section of the tree.

B2Text Editing

(technical)To delete or eliminate a section of text, data, or material.


  • The editor decided to chop out the entire paragraph to improve clarity.


(technical)To thin out the planting density of crops, such as cotton, by removing excess plants.


  • Farmers need to chop out the weaker plants to ensure better growth for the remaining ones.


(informal, slang)To assist or help someone with a task.


  • Can you chop out with this project? I'm running behind schedule.


(slang, informal)An exclamation indicating that someone has received what they deserved, often in a negative sense.


  • He missed the deadline and got fired—chop out!


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "chop out":

chop offchop upchop downcut outget the chopchop it uphack offfor the chopchisel outcut upcut intochop logiccut awayrip outcut offcarve outhack awaycut insaw offcut downcut to piecescarve upchopping blockchisel uptake outchuck outcave outcut throughchopped logichollow outwood chopperchop and changestomp outchew offbite offchoke outscrub outpinch outchop shophack uppiece outroot outcut shortslice and dicegrub outnut outcut down to sizechisel inslop outleave outcut and runstamp outkick outbash outpick offcut abovethrow outtoss outcut acrosscross outshovel outcut some shapescut belowsub outtear offcut buddyscratch out