chuck out

"Chuck out" is an informal phrasal verb used primarily in casual conversation to describe forceful removal or disposal.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Voice:
πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ UK Voice:



(informal)To discard or get rid of something unwanted.


  • She decided to chuck out all the old magazines cluttering the living room.
  • It's time to chuck out those broken toys.


(informal)To force someone to leave a place.


  • The bouncer chucked out the rowdy patrons from the bar.
  • He was chucked out of the meeting for being disruptive.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "chuck out":

throw outtoss outchuck offchuck inchuck upkick outboot outthrow awaygive someone the heave-hopitch outdump outpush outsling outfling outcast awaythresh outchop outthrow inthrow aboutpack outpit outbash outforce outblow chunkscough outtake out the trashrig outthrow downput outget the bootbomb outshit outcrap outclean outspit outkick into touchdrive outthrow offcount outrush outgive someone the bootflush outdump oncast offbuck outclear outdispose oftag outfish outhave outnut outsling offfunk outtake outswitch outbowl outtoss aroundpunk outclap outkick the bucketwheel outpump outthrow to the dogsget the choppoop outtoss offcrack outcut outbat outspark outkick overthrow oversub outgive out