chum up
The phrase "chum up" is often used to describe forming friendships, sometimes with ulterior motives.
πΊπΈ US Voice:
π¬π§ UK Voice:
(informal, idiomatic)To become friendly or form a close relationship with someone.
- He tried to chum up with his new colleagues to feel more comfortable at work.
B2Social Strategy
(informal, idiomatic)To seek or cultivate the friendship of someone, often for a specific purpose.
- She chummed up with the manager to get a promotion.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "chum up":
butt upnew chumlove uphem upcouple upcosy up tobunk upcharm uppuddle upchurn uphang togetherrub upgum upchew uplink uppair uprub up againstscuzz upcome up tostew upconnect uphutch upfish uprhyme uprub up onskank upmeet upjam uphook upink upgummy upchirk upjoin upchuck uppork upkiss upfight upwhomp upgen uphit upmoor upsimmer upmatch uphack upsuck uptake up withcook upbowl up