churn up

The phrase "churn up" typically conveys a sense of disturbance or agitation, whether physical or emotional.

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(common)To stir or agitate vigorously, often causing turbulence or disruption.


  • The storm churned up the ocean, making it difficult to navigate.
  • The news churned up a lot of controversy.


(common)To damage or disturb a surface, often by heavy movement or activity.


  • The heavy rain churned up the muddy driveway.
  • The construction work churned up the once smooth road.


(common)To evoke strong emotional responses, such as anxiety or distress.


  • The horror movie churned up a lot of fear in the audience.
  • The tragic news churned up feelings of sorrow and anger.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "churn up":

stir upkick upkick up dustruffle uprake updrum upwhip upgin updredge upgrind upstew upshake uprumple upcrank upscare uprough upchuck upcook upboil upcook up a stormbrew upturn upchum upscuzz upbubble upmix upconjure upjumble upchisel updrag upchew updust upfluff uprark upwork uphack upcast uptear upturn overmuddy upburst upmuddle updig uprarked upwell upmix it upchirk upgen uptumble upsimmer upchop upbowl upburn upjumble togethertrump upfire upscorch upamp upspin updish uppluck upcure upwhomp upbroil upturn up the heatchoke up