climb up
The phrase "climb up" is commonly used to describe physical ascension or metaphorical advancement.
A2Physical Movement
(general)To move upwards using hands and feet.
- She climbed up the ladder to fix the roof.
- The cat climbed up the tree quickly.
(idiomatic)To advance in position, status, or rank.
- He climbed up the corporate ladder faster than his peers.
- The team climbed up the rankings after a series of wins.
(general)To rise in amount, degree, or intensity.
- The temperature climbed up to 80 degrees by midday.
- Her popularity climbed up after the successful concert.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "climb up":
go uphike upclimb downmove upjump upstep climbwork one's way upride uphill climbride up ongo upstairsrise aboverun upscoot upget upcome up torise upleg upup a heightget up instep upmuscle uphead upcrease upgob upsneak upget on upcome uptop outget onhot upclimbing gymmountain climberlook upfall uphop upup the polego up fortumble upon the upjump onstand upclimbing perchpull uppull up onclue upfight upget up the yardget it updrive uplift uphigh uphop onsit upup and down