connect up
The phrase "connect up" is versatile and used in various contexts, from physical joining to establishing communication.
(idiomatic)To join or link together two or more things.
- They connected up the hoses to water the garden.
(technical)To link something to a supply of electricity, water, gas, or other utilities.
- The electrician will connect up the new kitchen appliances.
(technical)To assemble or set up a system by linking its components.
- He connected up the computer to the printer.
(informal)To establish communication or meet with someone.
- Let's connect up later to discuss the project.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "connect up":
link uphook upjoin upmeet upjoined upink upmatch uppair upconnect the dotsplug intotie upcharge upcouple upfit upplug uplove uppower uptie in withclue uptie inadd upcatch updo upfire upcome up tohit uptool upconnect timehitch upset upgen uphot upplug incorner upmove upspark uphook instep upchum upcall upup forup linefix upget withkeep upcome togetherboot upring uploop upnut upstring upgo upamp upfetch upcome upmarry uplight upstop upsing upclock upon the upopen upcue uphutch upfit togethertee upbutt uptap intorhyme upload upblock uptie tobring togethercross upget it uppull up onfight upfront upwindow upstay upswitch upplay upget on tocook uppatch upget togetherwork upput togethertrade upcolor upkip upget on upmake contact withpipe uphop upsex up