corked up
The phrase "corked up" can describe both physical and emotional states, often implying containment or restraint.
πΊπΈ US Voice:
π¬π§ UK Voice:
(figurative, informal)Feeling restrained or holding back emotions, often leading to tension.
- He felt all his anger corked up inside him, ready to burst.
- She had corked up her feelings for so long that she finally broke down.
(literal)Sealed or closed tightly with a cork or similar stopper.
- The wine bottle was corked up to preserve its flavor.
- Make sure the jar is corked up properly to keep it fresh.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "corked up":
cork upcork outplugged upcork hatbunged upstuffed upblocked upbottle uppop one's corkblock upstop upplug upbricked upjammed upbound upnicked uptanked upbottle itcacked upcap offlocked upliquor upscrewed up