cough out

The phrase "cough out" is versatile, describing both physical actions related to coughing and metaphorical uses involving reluctant disclosure.

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(common)To expel air and matter from the lungs with a sudden, forceful hacking sound.


  • He had to cough out the phlegm to clear his throat.


(common)To utter words while coughing, often with difficulty.


  • She tried to cough out an apology despite her sore throat.


(informal)To reluctantly give up money or information, often under pressure.


  • The ATM finally coughed out the cash after several attempts.
  • Under intense questioning, he coughed out the details of the transaction.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "cough out":

cough upspit outhack upcough and a spitspout outfart outshit outrush outpit outpuff outsmoke outgive outcork outpush outsputter outpoop outlet outsuck outsweat outshell outforce outthrow outcrap output outspill outchuck upcome outbelt outpump outchuck outtoss outsqueeze outchoke outbust outsoften someone's coughthrow upguts outcome out withburst outcrack outpour outspark outflush outhave outtalk outleak outspout offcount outfish outkick outbreak outdrink outclap outcack upsweat it outpress outblab outhave it outdump outbash outshovel outdrain outdrive outsqueeze one outblow outrig outsound outsling outnose outgive forthwrite outsing outgive offblow chunks