crack out

The phrase 'crack out' has various meanings depending on context, ranging from drug-related slang to expressions of fatigue or efficiency.


C2Drug Use

(slang)To exhibit signs of heavy use of a potent stimulant, particularly crack cocaine.


  • After a week of bingeing, he began to crack out, showing severe symptoms of addiction.

C2Drug Use

(slang)To make someone experience the effects of a strong stimulant, often crack cocaine.


  • They tried to crack him out by giving him a high dose of the drug.

B2General Usage

(informal)To be extremely tired or exhausted.


  • After the long hike, she was completely cracked out and could barely move.


(informal)To produce something quickly and efficiently.


  • He managed to crack out three reports in one afternoon.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "crack out":

crack opencrack offcrack throughcracked outcrack upbust outbreak outcrack a smilecrack oncrash outrig outcrap outcracked upbash outcrack the whiptweak outburst outprang outbreak inbang outsmack outcack upcrack whorenut outbreak intorake outcrack cocainecome outshake outpop outbat outbreak opencrack ficflip outsmoke outbreak coverspark outpeal outclap outbuck outcacked upgame outmack outhave outwhip outlet outblast outwhack upjump outbust onleak outgrub outscratch outbrass outdab outcough outbreak throughdig outtrick outfag outpound outpoop outpush outbust a nutfunk outget outcome out withcork outway outtrap output outstep outblow outpress outtrip outgive outcheese outfall outforce outslip outbomb outbreak downflake outwinkle outream outfreak outhit outbreak awayfart outgo outfly outpiece outpack outbuff outchimp outbug outrip outfire outrush outcrank uprack offspring outtop outpop offsee outbud outbelt outbitch outsqueeze outhit the bricksfull outspout outblitz outbreak withsunder outball outpull outget outsidespaz outchuck outshow outpunch outcrop outbust a gutbush outclean outclear outcomb outburst upkick outboot outstink outpop one's cork