crank up

The phrase "crank up" is commonly used in informal contexts to describe increasing intensity or starting something energetically.

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πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ UK Voice:



(informal)To increase the intensity, volume, or power of something.


  • He cranked up the volume on the stereo.
  • They cranked up the heat to keep warm.


(informal)To start or activate a machine or device.


  • She cranked up the old car to get it running.
  • He cranked up the generator during the power outage.


(informal)To intensify or escalate an activity or effort.


  • They need to crank up their efforts to meet the deadline.
  • The team cranked up their performance in the second half.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "crank up":

cranked upcrank the handleamp upramp upcrank the hogjack uppump upturn up the heatfire upamped upkick upvamp upcrease uprark upwind upgin uphot upheat upup the antegas uphike upwork upchurn upturn upclock upget it upsoup upspool upcharge upplay updrive upturn ongen updrum uptrump uprun upspark uprarked upgear uphype upprime the pumptighten upgeed uppitch upjerk uphitch upbump upwhip uppimp uprev upboil upspin upjuice upcook uppower upstep upwhack upraise the stakesturnt uprack upjacked upstir uppumped uppump outstiff upput the pedal to the metalring upscale uptalk upbuild uptune updial it incrack outkeyed upgee uptool upchirk upscorch upcue upgrind upflame up