crap out
The term "crap out" is primarily used in American English and has several informal meanings, including in gambling, machine failure, and general failure or withdrawal.
(informal, American English)To lose in the game of craps by rolling a seven.
- He crapped out on his first roll and lost all his money.
(informal, American English)To fail, give up, or withdraw from an activity.
- She crapped out of the marathon after running just five miles.
(informal, American English)For a machine to stop working or break down.
- My car crapped out on the way to work this morning.
(slang, American English)To idle or avoid duties.
- The soldiers were crapping out instead of doing their assigned tasks.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "crap out":
bomb outpoop outcrash outcop outflunk outconk outflake outshit outpass outrig outspark outfag outdrop outduck outtap outcrack outfall outclock outback outrun outcrap upgive outbug outbat outcheap outfoul outbitch outfart outbuck outcrop outtrap outboot outhave outpunk outtag outstall outbust outkick outflame outball outgame outstop outpan outdump outace outbail outrush outbung outburn outcheese outrun out onfizzle outchimp outget outpitch outcough outpop outpork outdab outage outjump outtop outfish outcash outgassed outsputter outcome a cropperbash outcry offforce outpack outbud outclap outwalk outdumb outpeg outpush outway outend outfunk outflip outleak outslip outfire outchuck outout of itpit outblank outchoke outfagged outtrip outcut outbag outlose outream outsleep outcount outcack upnut outprang outshow outslop outthrow outpull outget out ofsmack outlay an eggterm outdie outfreak outblow outcop offcamp outspaz outtip outbreak outbang outdown and outconk offcome outbowl outfall throughcracked outpunched outbuff outqualify outstink outsee outrim outcork outslug outbrown outrough outdrop behindgross outgrub outplayed outall outcatch outguts outcrap one's pantscrap oneselfwear outgo outweasel output outblab outspin outprice outcrock offtweak outfull outburst outcacked upcall it quitsgoon outblitz outrun out of gaspump outfalling outground outtoss out