crash dive

The phrase "crash dive" is commonly used in military contexts, particularly relating to submarines and aircraft, signifying an emergency descent to evade danger.

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C1Submarine Operations

(technical, military)An emergency maneuver where a submarine rapidly descends to avoid attack or collision.


  • The submarine executed a crash dive to evade the enemy destroyer.
  • In response to the imminent threat, the crew initiated a crash dive.


(technical, military)A sudden and steep dive by an aircraft to avoid a collision or attack.


  • The pilot had to perform a crash dive to avoid the incoming missile.
  • During the training exercise, the jet practiced a crash dive maneuver.


(informal)A rapid descent ending in a violent collision, whether intentional or accidental.


  • The stuntman performed a crash dive off the trampoline.
  • After losing control, the car went into a crash dive down the hill.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "crash dive":

power divecrash intake a divesaturation divecrash outduck diveswan divedeep divesplash downcrash boxbelly flopdepth charge