crash out
The phrase "crash out" is commonly used in informal settings to describe sudden actions, from falling asleep to being eliminated from a competition.
(informal)To fall asleep quickly and deeply, often due to exhaustion.
- After the long hike, I just crashed out on the couch.
- He crashed out as soon as he got home from work.
(informal)To be suddenly eliminated from a competition or contest.
- The team crashed out of the tournament in the first round.
- Despite being favorites, they crashed out in the semi-finals.
(technical, informal)To terminate unexpectedly due to an unhandled error.
- The program crashed out before I could save my work.
- If there's a bug, the application might crash out.
(technical)To precipitate rapidly from a solution.
- The compound crashed out of the solution when we added the reagent.
- If the temperature drops too quickly, the solute may crash out.
(slang, informal)To become uncontrollably angry or upset.
- He just crashed out when he heard the news.
- She crashed out over a minor issue.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "crash out":
crash incrap outbomb outconk outfall outprang outcrack outpranged outspark outpass outflake outbust outburn outflunk outbail outjump outpoop outcrash diveflame outcar crashbash outhave an accidentburst outrun outcome a cropperboot outstall outrush outcrack upsmack outfizzle outspin outfalling outbug outflip outspaz outbreak outkick outduck outfall overbat outblitz outcash outcrash boxbuck outfly outfall downcash in one's chipsdown and outtrip outfall offtap outfall off one's perchrig outhit the wallstop outcracked outtake a tumblecrash padfag outslip outdie outbombed outsputter outclock outblow outfreak outrun out oncrash to desktopfall throughdrop outconk offbang outback outknock outpop outcrack offway outwalk outpush outspill outjump offbust one's assfire outclap outtake a diveball outcop outforce outchimp outbush outall outtop outbang intowipe outpop downbowl outcome out