cuff up
"Cuff up" has multiple meanings, from securing with handcuffs to entering short-term relationships during colder months.
(informal, slang)To enter into a short-term romantic relationship during the winter months.
- With winter approaching, many people are looking to cuff up and avoid spending the cold months alone.
(informal)To roll up the cuffs of a garment.
- She decided to cuff up her jeans for a more casual look.
B2Law Enforcement
(informal)To secure someone with handcuffs.
- The officer told the suspect to cuff up before leading him to the patrol car.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "cuff up":
tuck upcollar upruck upstiff uprug uppuff upcurl upbutt upbell upknuckle upfluff upbrace upcoat upclap upjacket upcough upball upbundle upflex uphem upfold upcack upruffle upbadge uphutch upcure upnut uproll upbull upcrumple uptowel uptuck inrub upkick upsew upbung upcop offcork upcrease uppad uppuddle upfolded upballs uprucked upjerk upzip upbutch upfluff outstitch upkip uptie upfront upgun upstick uppork uppunch uppuff outlace upsling up