dark blue
"Dark blue" is a versatile color used in various contexts, symbolizing power, reliability, and elegance.
A shade of blue that is significantly deeper and more intense than medium blue.
- She wore a dark blue dress to the event.
A color resembling the sky at dusk or the ocean at great depths.
- The dark blue of the ocean stretched out to the horizon.
A hue closer to black on the color spectrum than lighter shades of blue, often used to convey elegance and sophistication.
- The company chose dark blue for their logo to evoke a sense of reliability and professionalism.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "dark blue":
light bluesteel bluedeep bluesmall bluenavy bluefull bluesky blueice bluehalf bluebaby blueroyal bluemidnight bluewinter bluedeep colorcobalt blueabyssal bluechina blueslate bluecornflower blueblack and blueblue greensky-blue pinkpetrol blueduck-egg bluecadet blueberry blueeggshell blueblue violettrue bluepowder bluerobin's-egg bluegentian bluethin blue linepeacock blueacademy bluebottle greenblue buttonsaxe blueviolet redblood redhigh coloriron grayolive greenpine greenblue goldboy in bluebice blueroyal purpleblue lielime green