dog food

The term "dog food" can refer to actual food for dogs, a practice in the tech industry, or even slang for a type of drug.


A2Pet Care

Food specifically made for dogs to meet their nutritional needs.


  • She bought a new brand of dog food for her Labrador.


(informal, industry-specific)The practice of a company using its own products to test and improve them.


  • The team decided to dogfood the new app to find any bugs before the official release.

C1Drug Culture

(slang)A slang term for a type of heroin, usually brown rock.


  • He was arrested for possession of dog food.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "dog food":

eat one's own dog fooddog breaddog meatanimal fooddog outraw dogdog arounddog's soupdog shitdog biscuitfish fooddoggy bagdog's breakfast