dope up

The phrase "dope up" is commonly used in informal contexts to refer to the administration or consumption of drugs.


B2Recreational Drug Use

(informal, slang)To consume narcotics or intoxicating substances.


  • He likes to dope up before going to parties.

B2Medical or Veterinary

(informal, slang)To administer drugs to someone or an animal, often to sedate or calm them.


  • They had to dope up the dog before the surgery.

C1Material Science

(technical)To treat a material with a specific additive to alter its properties.


  • The fabric was doped up to enhance its durability.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "dope up":

dope offdope stickpimp upsmoke upsmoke dopedoping outdoper timedub updo updone updoctor upbooze upbig upshoot upboss uphot upword upgun upstay uphit upgeed upskank upblaze upamp upliquor upsugar uphype updope sheetrhyme upduke uphopped uphop uppump uphem upcamo upsauce upsex upload upcheese upwhack upon the upsoup upwhomp upbitch upstock uppaint upamped uppepper uptrice upclue upstiff upgas uprope upvamp upget it upjuiced upturnt upwhore uppumped upink uplove uptool upjoke upget highpimp outspark upnut upglaze upjuice upblack up