double point

The term 'double point' is used in both mathematics and typography, describing specific points on curves and symbols, respectively.

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(technical, academic)A point on a curve where two branches intersect or touch.


  • The double point on the curve indicates where the two branches meet.


(technical)A symbol composed of two points, such as a colon (:).


  • The colon is an example of a double point in typography.

C2Algebraic Geometry

(technical, academic)A type of singularity on an algebraic curve where the curve intersects itself.


  • Analyzing double points is crucial in understanding the properties of algebraic curves.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "double point":

point massdeep pointdecimal pointrun pointfixed pointdata pointcritical pointhit pointextreme pointgame pointtake pointtake the pointreporting pointtriple pointbullet pointpivot pointsaddle pointaction pointdouble doubletrig pointinflection pointpoint sourcepoint the boneturning pointpinch pointpointy endzero pointaxial pointpointy headpoint formsharp endon pointpoint of contactbiting point