drag up
The term "drag up" is a versatile phrasal verb often used in various contexts, from recalling unpleasant memories to describing poor upbringing.
B2General Usage
(informal)To mention something from the past, especially an unpleasant memory.
- Why do you always have to drag up old arguments?
- She dragged up the incident from years ago.
C1Child Rearing
(informal, UK)To raise a child without proper discipline or social manners.
- They were dragged up without any sense of right or wrong.
(informal, slang)For a man to dress in women's clothing for performance purposes.
- He dragged up for the role in the play.
C1Construction and Union Trades
(technical)To quit a job, often to take another opportunity.
- He decided to drag up and move to a better-paying job.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "drag up":
dredge updrag indrag outdrag downbring uphaul uprake updig upfetch upgin updrag actdrum updrag clickhaul indrag huntkick uplift uppluck upcast uppull upcarry upjack updrag the chaindrill upbring forwardpull inpull up onhaul outscrape upstir updraw upchurn upbring outdrag buntplay uprake outscare uptrot outdrag and dropbug upconjure updraw outdrive upget it upsend updig outjerk uptrump upbump upbring inbob uphitch upbring backgee uphaul offdrag one's feetpull through