duck off
The phrase "duck off" is used informally to describe a swift and often unnoticed departure from a place or situation.
B2Informal Settings
(slang, idiomatic)To leave a place quickly and quietly, often to avoid drawing attention.
- She decided to duck off from the party before anyone noticed.
- Let's duck off before the meeting starts.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "duck off":
ducked offduck outduck downduck divedash offduck walkduck calljump offhop offwalk offclear offnick offslide offdab outhead offpush offmake offcop outback offfly offlook offslip offfork offback outback downwave offjump outrun off ondrop backbunk offslip outbounce offrun offjet offball offduck hawkdrop behindstep offtoddle offbug offbat awaybuck outconk offtake a diveflick offhook offget offdrop offfade awayshove offfob offdiamond duckbrush offduke it outback awaybug outheel outpull offtuck awaybear offpass offrun awaychuck offshrug offtouch offrush offhide awayclick offhide behindtree duckget awaydrop inhit the dirtride off