embalming fluid

"Embalming fluid" is crucial in preserving bodies for funerals and medical research, often containing chemicals like formaldehyde.


C1Funeral Services

(technical, formal)A chemical solution used to preserve a deceased body by delaying decomposition for viewing or burial.


  • The mortician used embalming fluid to ensure the body was preserved for the funeral.

C1Medical Research

(technical, academic)A mixture of chemicals injected into a corpse to prevent decay, often used in anatomical studies.


  • In medical schools, embalming fluid is used to preserve cadavers for student dissection.


(informal, slang)A PCP solution applied to joints or cigarettes to enhance the drug's effects.


  • Some users refer to PCP-laced joints as being dipped in embalming fluid.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "embalming fluid":

cleaning fluid