empty space

The term "empty space" describes regions devoid of matter or objects and can be used in various contexts from physics to architecture and abstract concepts.

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An area or volume that is not occupied by any objects.


  • She found an empty space in the parking lot.
  • The shelf had an empty space where the book used to be.


(technical)A region devoid of matter, particles, or radiation.


  • Outer space is often considered an empty space, although it contains some particles and radiation.
  • The concept of a vacuum in physics refers to an empty space with very low pressure.


(technical)An unoccupied or unused area within a structure, often left open for aesthetic or functional reasons.


  • The architect designed the building with plenty of empty space to create a sense of openness.
  • Empty spaces in the layout allow for future expansion.


(figurative)A feeling or sense of absence or lack of something.


  • After she left, he felt an empty space in his heart.
  • The discussion left an empty space in our understanding of the topic.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "empty space":

free spacewhite spacedark spacethin spaceouter spacedead spaceempty wordthick spacenear spacelittle spacehalf spacefactor spacethird spacedanger spacedeep spacepersonal spacespace outdead airjoint spaceliminal spacespaced outbreathing spaceempty chairdual space