end out

The phrase "end out" is an uncommon variant of "end up," used to describe the conclusion or final state of an action or process.

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(uncommon, informal)To bring something to a conclusion or finish.


  • The meeting will end out with a summary of the key points.


(uncommon, informal)To reach a final state or result.


  • The negotiations will end out in an agreement.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "end out":

end offterm outhave outsee outway outother endream outon endfinish withclose outsend outthe endrun outend markfinish offget outend upgo outtop outfinish upspark outgive outend lineage outend of the lineput outpack outsub outgood endingforce outpush outclock outend runkick outno enddie outfade outtail endstop outrig outsign outsend offend of dayfire outjoin outline outtag endtag outend caprough outend of storyround outnerve outrush outrhyme outend pieceback outend stategame outearn outring outboot outwrite outfield outend one's lifeexit programnut outstart outsound outlive outcrap outcount outlet outsign offlog outin the endstring outtip outqualify outdab outon its way outdead endshow outall outget out ofout ofprice outwalk outwrap upclap outend boardon the way outpan outset outget outside offart outthrow outpoop outcut outrim outstub outturn outloose endedge outback endfling outhear the end of itwrapping upeat outtrap outdial outbind offgoon outtap outdrive outbomb outbat outfoul outblow outship outshit outbar outsending offpeace outprint outplay outtalk outcross outbash outweary outsend awaydrink outwheel outstay outwear outdump outshot outclosing formdo offclose downcash outbuff outsee offbush out