fart out

The phrase "fart out" is primarily used in informal contexts to describe the expulsion of gas or the production of something with minimal effort.

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(vulgar, informal)To release gas from the digestive system through the anus, often making a sound.


  • He tried not to laugh, but he ended up farting out loud.


(informal, slang)To produce something quickly and with minimal effort.


  • He farted out an excuse for being late to the meeting.

C1Audio Equipment

(technical, informal)To describe a speaker or amplifier producing a distorted sound due to malfunction or excessive power.


  • The old speaker started to fart out when we turned up the volume.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "fart out":

poop outshit outlet outcunt fartstink outcough outfag outfanny fartrush outpuff outduck fartpush outsmoke outspit outcrap outcheese outspout outpit outleak outream outspark outforce outblow outfoul outfunk outblab outhave outbitch outair outpump outnut outsqueeze one outfling outbelt outguts outfog outdrain outflush output outfire outnose outburst outget outbelly outlet ripbrass outbust outgassed outfish outblast outkick outtalk outgive outbat outlike a fart in churchrig outcome outbutter outfly outsputter outdrink outsuck outend outsee outsweat outpress outdumb outclap outpork outfluff outbush outspill outcrack outboot outthrow outdab outway outpass outslip outfall outfizzle outbust a guttap outhave it outbash outgive vent toring outstink up