fight up
The phrase "fight up" is primarily used in Caribbean English and slang to describe aggressive actions or determined efforts.
(slang)To engage in a confrontation with intensity and aggression.
- He decided to fight up the bully who had been bothering his friend.
(intransitive, colloquial)To make a significant effort or struggle to accomplish something.
- She had to fight up to get the project completed on time.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "fight up":
put up a fightfight backknuckle upkick upbear uphot upplay upput up one's dukesduke it outfight for one's lifegen uprise upgee uptake up the cudgelsfront uphead uphem upstiff upfall upjump upante upknife upmove upfight to the deathfire upwork upbuff upman upget it upstay upnut upkip upbuck upbull updust upfight offbrace upgun upstand up togo upamp upbutt upone upplay fightbug upbuoy upduke uppunch uprun uplove upflame uppluck upup forfish uptalk upstick upgin upup in armsstep uppush up againsthit up againstfight a losing battleon the upbeat upvamp uplift upbig upgear upkeep uppower uphop upget upbuild upfix upjack uprhyme upchin upgo up formatch upleg upstrike uppipe upbutch upcharge uphike upstand upup againstcolor upsquare upbruise upget up inspark upfit upclimb upperk updo uppump upshape upget on upcowboy upput upup the antebung upbump uprough upbust upstand up withsex upstir uptool upeven upact upconnect upfree upbuy upheat upbang upchum uphit upplead upbeat up onbitch uppush upread upin fighting trimchoose upchirk upeat upfighting wordsfetch uplair upsend uptake upmuscle upcome up