file card

The term "file card" can refer to both a tool used in metalworking and a method for organizing information in various systems.

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(administrative, libraries)A card used to store and organize information in a file or card index system.


  • The librarian pulled out a file card to find the book's location.
  • Each project has a dedicated file card for tracking progress.


(technical, tool maintenance)A tool with wire bristles used to clean debris from between the teeth of a file.


  • He used a file card to remove the metal shavings from the file.
  • The tool bench had several file cards for maintaining different files.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "file card":

card standwhite cardname cardblue cardblack cardtest cardmemory cardpicture cardtrade cardfile awaygreen cardercourt cardline cardtitle cardfile offyellow cardon filelaser cardcue cardhole cardpalm cardcredit cardfile withpunch cardrace cardred cardclue cardcalling carddance cardprayer cardcredit card slotcheque cardsea card