fish out
The phrase "fish out" is versatile and used in various contexts to describe extracting or retrieving something, often with effort.
(informal)To remove something from a place where it is hidden or difficult to reach.
- She fished out her keys from the bottom of her bag.
(informal)To retrieve something or someone from a body of water.
- They fished the old tire out of the river.
(technical)To catch all or nearly all the fish in a given area, leaving few or none remaining.
- The lake was fished out after years of overfishing.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "fish out":
fished outfish uprig outcatch outnut outhave outforce outfoul outflake outbat outthrow outflush outtrap outcrap outloose fishput outgone fishingthresh outdead fishsee outfling outtoss outrush outjump outream outstink outfall outfly outsponge outfart outwinkle outfield outfag outshit outdig outstick outsalt outget outpitch outspark outgame outbag outfunk outwash outdrink outcheese outshake outhaul outcough outpack outshow outpick outair outflip outfire outpop outduck outbomb outchuck outbash outsmoke outcome outbelly outfilter outstock outpoop outlet outpush outfactor outcork outout of itkettle of fishstring outtake outpit outeat outsound outcut baittag outring outkick outpull outline outget out ofbush outsuck outnose outbrass outout ofswamp outmud outfetch uprun outball outtease out