fit up

The phrase 'fit up' has versatile meanings, including framing someone for a crime or setting up equipment.

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(slang, British)To falsely accuse someone of a crime by planting evidence.


  • He was fitted up for the robbery and spent years in prison for a crime he didn't commit.


(informal)To equip or furnish with necessary items.


  • They fitted up the new office with modern furniture and equipment.


(technical)To prepare a stage or venue for a performance.


  • The crew worked all night to fit up the stage for the play.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "fit up":

fit infit intofix upkit outdo upshape updone upfit togethertool upkeep fitframe upconnect upfit checkfit and finishgear uptone upwork upin shapesoup upsuit upset upmatch upsuited and bootedsize updeck outup to snuffin fighting trimcook upfit to killflex upfire upput togetherfight upfirm uphook upbang uphave a fittune upbutt uppimp upup forgeed upfill uptighten updress upsex upbuff upup to speedmuscled uptry on for sizegussy uplink upput upgen upwork outsquare up