fix up

The phrase "fix up" is commonly used in informal contexts to describe actions related to repairing, arranging, or providing.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Voice:
πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ UK Voice:



(informal)To repair or improve the condition of something.


  • They fixed up the old car before selling it.
  • We need to fix up the kitchen before the guests arrive.


(informal)To arrange a meeting or date between people, often with romantic intentions.


  • She fixed up her friend with a coworker for a blind date.
  • Can you fix me up with someone for the dance?


(informal)To provide someone with something they need or want.


  • I'll fix you up with a place to stay for the night.
  • He fixed me up with some spare parts for my bike.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "fix up":

do uppatch updone uptouch upspruce upclean uppolish upfit uppatching upshape uptune upstraighten upstraighten outbang upmake overquick fixsoup upfinish uppimp upbug upsort oneself outdoctor upsort outbugger upmess upmuss upcure upfreshen upfirm upperk upgussy upsharpen upcook upstuff uppaint uptighten upbrush upvamp upclear upframe upwhack upmake it up tostitch uprough upmuck upwork upsex upswitch upmix uphook uptrue upfoul upmake do and mendmake goodjack upclean up afterput one's house in orderfight upput upsew upconnect upset upmist upgoof upget righttool upsquare awayon the mendjazz updress upbuild upbrighten upcatch uphem upscrew upkick upheal upsmarten upscuzz uppaste uptone uppluck upbutch upwork ontie uprub upsquare updo overput togetherfuck it uppimp outmash upbroom upget it upbeat upbust updub upclean outbotched uphack upfetch uprub up onreckon upbutt upmatch upfire upmake upgen upfront upboss up