fling out
The phrase "fling out" generally implies a forceful or sudden action, often involving throwing, rejecting, or expressing something.
(common)To throw or cast something away with force.
- She flung the trash out the window.
- He flung the broken toy out of the room.
(informal)To forcibly remove someone from a place or organization.
- The bouncer flung the troublemaker out of the bar.
- The company flung the employee out due to misconduct.
(informal, archaic)To suddenly and forcefully express an opinion or criticism.
- She flung out a harsh insult at her opponent.
- He flung out a complaint about the service.
(specific)To extend or stretch out a body part suddenly.
- She flung out her arm to catch the ball.
- He flung out his leg to maintain balance.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "fling out":
sling outlet flyfly outthrow outflare outtoss outthrow aboutsling offflip outflail aboutfly offswing outream outthrow offchuck outflake outflick offpush output outpitch outsend outwhip outlash outblast outthrow downspark outcast awaykick outsling upspread outlet looseprang outfart outthrow overspill outflick overstring outflush outfluff outfish outbelt outfag outspout outhit outlet outthrow inthrow onstick outrush outspring outjump outspin outburst outbash outtoss aroundstretch outcut looseblab outthresh outrig outshoot offhang offarm outfall outsling overforce outhave outgive outpuff outstink outend outspit outbelly outwheel outlet ripfreak outbranch outcast offfire outrip outblow outball outflame outbat outthrow handshand outfar outpeal outshake outbust outwild out