fob off

The phrase "fob off" is commonly used in informal contexts to describe deceiving or evading someone, often by offering something inferior or giving misleading responses.

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(informal)To deceive someone by giving them false information or excuses.


  • He tried to fob off his boss with a made-up story.
  • Don't let them fob you off with empty promises.


(informal)To trick someone into accepting low-quality or unwanted goods.


  • They tried to fob off the old stock on unsuspecting customers.
  • Beware of shops that fob off defective products as new.


(informal)To evade someone by giving them a vague or unsatisfactory response.


  • She fobbed him off with a quick excuse and left.
  • He always fobs off his responsibilities onto others.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "fob off":

foist offpass offpalming offfork offmug offbuy offrack offtoss offpassing offshove offpush offblow offsack offbrush offput offclear offmake offflick offchuck offlook offfucked offscrew offshit offbear offkiss offconk offknock offhand offnaffed offrub offshrug offpiss offhead offnick offbeat offcharge offcome off itrip offthrow offhack offtell offgob offwave offhook offbore offdo offcop offbunk offbump offfuck offjag offwrite offpull offplay offcome offget offsend offfend offdrive offgoof offbug offfreak offbugger offride offcrack offback offsling offbuzz offget over oncrock offfight offtouch offduck offcop outfront offknock it offshove onwalk offrake offbang offhop offnosh offrubbing offleave offboom offroll offfag outsee offgo offpost offcross off