fog out

The phrase "fog out" can refer to both mental confusion and specific actions in firefighting and informal contexts.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Voice:
πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ UK Voice:


B2Mental State

(informal)To become mentally unclear or disoriented.


  • After hours of studying, I started to fog out and couldn't concentrate anymore.


(slang)To fill an enclosed space with smoke until it resembles fog.


  • They fogged out the car during the road trip.


(technical)To ventilate a space by breaking a window to release smoke.


  • The firefighters had to fog out the building to make it safe for entry.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "fog out":

fogged outfog upfog linesmoke outfog a mirrormist overfag outstink outplait fogfog of warwhite outfart outcloud upmud outswamp outfunk outflame outfade outfluff outfire outmist upblow outsee outfoul outblown outclear outbuff outblank outrig outdry fogice outsteam upair outgreen outream outblitz outblock outvision outway outforce outflush outdumb outdab outblot outgoon outfar out