foul up

The phrase "foul up" is commonly used in informal contexts to describe situations where mistakes or errors cause problems or confusion.

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(informal)To make a mistake that causes a situation to go wrong.


  • He really fouled up the presentation by forgetting his notes.


(informal)To spoil or ruin something through carelessness or incompetence.


  • The chef fouled up the recipe by adding too much salt.


(informal)To create confusion or disorder in a process or system.


  • The new software update fouled up the entire network.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "foul up":

goof upmuck upmess upscrew upbugger upstuff upmuddle upbotched upmuss upfall foulbug upmuddy upmist uptrip upmessed upslip upfuckered upscrewed upgum upmix upfoul one's own nestmess aboutsnarl upfall upstink upfoul outjumble upfuck it uprun afoul offucked upfoul playruffle upgo wronggo awryscuzz uprumple updrop the balljam upcome a croppersmell uprough upfix upfumble the bagstick one's foot in itfog upstew upmess withscrew aroundcrap upgone wrongpiss something up the wallballs upbelly upfoul feederact upmuck aboutdouble faultkick upstuffed upbowl upmess aroundflake outdust upcack upfool aroundsnot upbomb outjumbled upchoke upfoul linetits upjammed uphack uptumble uptoes up