frizzed up
"Frizzed up" is commonly used to describe hair that has become curly, puffy, or unruly, often due to environmental factors.
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B2Hair Care
(informal)Hair that has become curly, puffy, or unruly, often due to humidity or other environmental factors.
- My hair frizzed up because of the humidity here.
- After the rain, her hair frizzed up and became difficult to manage.
B2Urban Slang
(slang)Dressed up or looking stylish.
- She frizzed up for the party and looked amazing.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "frizzed up":
rizzed upruffle upcurled hairjazzed upmuss uppuffed uprumple upfluff upmessed updone uprarked upamped uprucked upjumbled upjammed upfuckered up