front seat

The term "front seat" can refer to both a literal position in a vehicle and a metaphorical position of importance or priority.

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(common)A seat located at the front of a vehicle, often next to the driver.


  • She always prefers to sit in the front seat during road trips.
  • The front seat provides the best view of the road.


(common)A seat located at the front of a space, such as a theater or classroom, often providing a better view.


  • He arrived early to get a front seat at the concert.
  • Students who sit in the front seat tend to participate more.


(figurative)A position of importance or priority, often implying direct involvement or observation.


  • She took a front seat in the company’s decision-making process.
  • Being his best friend, I had a front seat to all his adventures.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "front seat":

back seatdriver's seatbox seatwindow seatin the driver's seatjump seatfront rowcar seatchild seatbaby seatringside seataisle seatsafety seathot seatbitch seatin the front rowback-seat drivertake a seatback-seat drivinginfant seatpole positionflap seatride shotgunback-seat gamingat the wheelhave a seatfront benchfront and centerbehind the wheeltake a back seatinside laneseating timetoddler seatsaddle seatbooster seatsit rightback rowcenter stage