front up

Primarily used in Australian and New Zealand English, the phrase "front up" has various meanings depending on the context, often involving direct action or presence.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Voice:
πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ UK Voice:



(informal)To confront or face a situation or challenge directly.


  • She decided to front up to her fears and give the presentation.


(informal)To present oneself or appear, especially in a formal or official capacity.


  • He had to front up at the meeting to explain the delay.


(informal)To take responsibility or accept accountability for something.


  • It's time to front up and admit your mistake.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "front up":

up frontfront offante upsquare uphead upcash upcome forwardbutt upbring forwardfront and centeron the front footput forwardfight upnut upman upstick upfront endplay upup forcome upstep forwardfront moneyput upen faceheads uprun upstiff upcough uprear one's headcome up togun upfork overin frontfront manbear upfetch uppipe upfront bumprop upone upon the upin face ofput up onstand up torun up onboss uphem upleg upup againstbrace upfront runningstep upstraight upbuck upkick upbob upgen upcorner upframe uppork upsquare offface to facefront loadstand uptrue uppost upfront linebelly upbull upbutts upreckon upup the anteset forwardgin upbrass updummy upbig upgo up forjack upbell upkip uptrump upshow upconnect upforward lineshape upin the face offire upsend uppaid upgive facecuff uptake uppitch uphaul upback uphop upyield updo upruck uptop upback to fronttalk upin someone's faceprice upmove upfix up