game out

The phrase "game out" is versatile, used in contexts ranging from excessive gaming to strategic scenario planning.

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(slang, informal)To play video games so excessively that one becomes unwilling to continue playing.


  • After a weekend of non-stop playing, he was completely gamed out.

C1Strategic Planning

(idiomatic, business, military)To analyze or plan by simulating different scenarios to determine potential outcomes.


  • The team gamed out several strategies to prepare for the negotiation.
  • They spent hours gaming out various responses to the crisis.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "game out":

come outhave outget outshow outgame oncome out withgo outplay outball outgoon outrig outsee outway outplayed outgame overcrap outrun gamelet outcrack outbat outtag outream outvideo gameend outin the gameback output outpop outbreak outhave it outstay outforce outall outplay instep outgame pointjump outline outfish outfoul outgive outtip outground outnot outcomplete gamecheese outjoin outshit outblitz outget out ofcash outpush outpitch outpack outturn outfield outlive outbring outparty gamerush outback in the gamefall outfull outplay toguts outball gamesports gamedrink outplay onpoop outage outbitch outfire outtalk outfag outspark outplay to wingeek outtrap outdab outgame daysub outcool outpunch outwalk outbowl outbag out