gas up
The term "gas up" primarily refers to refueling a vehicle but also has slang meanings related to boosting someone's ego or smoking high-quality cannabis.
(informal, US)To fill a vehicle's tank with gasoline or other fuel.
- We need to gas up the car before our road trip.
- I stopped at the station to gas up.
(slang, informal)To excessively compliment or flatter someone to boost their ego.
- He always gases up his friends before a big game.
- She loves to gas up her coworkers to keep morale high.
(slang, informal)To smoke high-quality cannabis.
- They decided to gas up before heading to the concert.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "gas up":
pump uptank upcharge upgas and gogear upjuice upsoup upamp uphit the gasfire uphot upgen upfill upgee upgeed upgin uppower upjack uppumped upgun uptanked upspark upcrank uptop uprun out of gasdrive upheat upout of gasvamp uptop offhype upget it upstock upprime the pumpgas and dashbooze upamped upoil upsteam upload uppimp upgoose upgassed outjuiced upgussy uprev upgo uprun uphop upgas linebug upgrease upblast upsugar upblaze upsmoke upbuff uphike upget uphot refuelperk uppump carrark uphit upgob upshoot uptalk updo upgulp upplump updope uplard upget up innut uptune upbull upcranked uptool uplight upflame upblow upstop uppump outfog uppork upsex upwhite gaskick upplug upramp upbrace upsmell uppetrol pumppuff up