gear up

The phrase "gear up" is commonly used in both everyday and professional contexts to denote preparation or readiness for an activity, often implying increased effort or efficiency.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Voice:
πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ UK Voice:



(informal)To get ready for a specific activity or event.


  • The team is gearing up for the championship game.
  • Students are gearing up for final exams.

C1Work and Production

(business)To increase efficiency or production in preparation for a task or deadline.


  • The factory geared up production to meet the holiday demand.
  • The marketing team is gearing up for the product launch.

B2Outdoor and Physical Activities

(informal)To put on special clothing or equipment needed for an activity.


  • The hikers geared up for the long trek.
  • Before the race, the cyclists geared up with helmets and protective gear.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "gear up":

tool upsuit upgun upgeed upgear downget readygen upin geargee upamp upbrace upgas upramp upcharge upsaddle upload upkit outbuckle uppower upamped updeck outhot upfire upkeyed upwork upfit upstep upbelt uptee upsoup upbuckle innut uptack upvamp upshape uppump upbuff upruck uprug uppack upsack upheat upcrank upgussy upstock upwarm upshift gearsbundle upfight uplimber upget it upcamo upsharpen upget up inhitch upbuck uphype upgin upspool uprark upcue updress upget uplock and loadbunker upman uptank upjacket upread upgoose upget oncoat upknuckle upbear upget goingtighten upoil uppimp upbuild upbrass uproll up one's sleeveskick uppumped uphop upsize upperk upbadge upfired upjuice upfind another gear