gee up

The phrase "gee up" is used both as a command for horses and as slang for encouraging or stimulating someone.

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πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ UK Voice:



(command, old-fashioned)An exclamation used to urge a horse to move faster or start moving.


  • The rider shouted 'gee up!' to get the horse to trot.


(slang)To encourage or excite someone to take action or show more enthusiasm.


  • The coach tried to gee up the team before the big game.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "gee up":

gen upget upgin upget it upgeed upget goinggun upget up inbuck upgear uphem upsaddle upget up the yardnut upkick upget on upjump upbrace upgas upgoose upamp uphead uphot upbug upleg uppluck upmove upfight upkip upwork upcowboy upbutt upstep uphitch upbull uphop upfire upgussy upget onbear upchirk upstand upperk upgo upman upspark upstep on itjerk uppipe uphey upride uprun upjack upride up onget a leg uprise uphike upstiff upgay upcheer upamped upstay upruck upgob uphopped uprark upget up earlyplay upkeep upstir upkick up dustante uppump upshape upease upsoup upon the upsit upkick up one's heelsscoot upgo itsack uptalk upstick uptee upbutch upscare upup the anteliven upbitch updrive upjoke uphype upvamp upsex upmove aheadgrow upget busyget on towake upbrass uprub upchin upact uprarked uptack upgulp uphit upbadge upcharge upcrank uphutch updrag upspeed upknuckle upmarry upboss upbig upbump up