gen up
"Gen up" is an informal British phrase used to describe the process of acquiring detailed information or preparing oneself with necessary details.
(informal, british, intransitive)To study or learn about something in detail.
- I need to gen up on the company's policies before the interview.
(informal, british, transitive)To inform or teach someone all relevant details about a topic.
- Can you gen me up on the latest project updates?
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "gen up":
gin upgee upgeed upamp upgun upgear upget it upwork upamped upgas upget uphot upget up invamp upfire upspark upnut upbug upread upfight uphem upcharge upmug upkick upget on upsex upclue upsoup uppump uppower upman upperk upgussy upjuice upramp updrum upstir uptool uprark uppluck upbrace upcrank upstep updo upconnect upplay upbuck uprub up onhype upsharpen upjack upgoose upkeyed upup in armsscare upstiff upfront upjazz uppumped upget goingleg upbull upheat upage uptalk upfired upbuff upsmarten upjump upliven upbuild uprarked upjoke uphead upwhip uppimp upbear upget onshape upjerk uphopped uptrump upbrass upcook upgrow upget on togob upchurn upspin upchirk upcure uphop uprun upboil upkip upgulp upup to speedsteam upante upget a leg upbutt upbutch upget one's juices flowingchum upget up the yardon the upgo upink uppipe upbrew uprise upfit uprub upbig upjuiced upgay upup forfix updoctor up