get on up

The phrase "get on up" is often used in casual settings to encourage rising, dancing, or taking action.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Voice:
πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ UK Voice:



(colloquial)To stand or rise from a seated or lying position.


  • Get on up and join us at the table.


(informal)To dance energetically and freely.


  • The DJ told everyone to get on up and dance.


(informal)To start taking action or increase effort.


  • It's time to get on up and start working on your goals.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "get on up":

get upjump upget onget up inget it upgee upget it onstep upjump onmove uphot upget on tohop onhop upride up onstand upget one's groove ongen upon the upkip upgo uppull up onrise upget up the yardkick upstay upon the jumpboss upblack upclimb upnut uphead uphit uphem upjump aroundstep on itget downbitch upbig upride uprock upjimmy upleg upman upget one's freak onget jiggyhopped upget inget goinghop intojump aboutget busypull uprun up onfight upjerk upstep onspark upfire upcowboy upjazz upget on withjump inword upup forsaddle upget down onone upget rightknuckle upstick upjam upblaze upgo onbust a movemuscle upconnect uprun up