gin up

The phrase "gin up" is primarily used in American English to describe generating excitement, enthusiasm, or fabricating something, often with urgency or deceit.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Voice:
πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ UK Voice:



(informal)To generate or create something quickly, often with a sense of urgency.


  • The team managed to gin up a new proposal overnight.


(informal)To stimulate or incite interest, enthusiasm, or activity.


  • The speech was intended to gin up support for the new policy.


(informal, negative)To fabricate or concoct something, often implying deceit or exaggeration.


  • They tried to gin up a story to cover their mistakes.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "gin up":

gen updrum upgee upstir uptrump upscare uprake upkick upamp upgun updrag updredge upconjure upwhip upwork upchurn upcook upplay upgas upcrank upgeed upget it upjack upbrew upbug uphype upcure upvamp uprark uppluck upfire uppump upgussy upbring uprarked uptalk upjoke uphem upamped uprun upruffle upspark upfight upkick up dustget up insoup upwind upbuild upget updig updummy upramp upstew upgulp upante upgoose uphaul upgear upcrease uphot upboil upsex upbutt uphack uprub upknock upprop upfront upjerk upspool upframe upbull upstiff upring upscrump upgum uphike upsend upbuoy updraw upcome up withgob upjuice upheap upfetch upbung upsimmer upsteam upbump up