good sport

The phrase "good sport" highlights the importance of grace, cooperation, and respect in various situations, particularly in competitive or challenging scenarios.

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B2Sports and Competitions

(informal)A person who shows grace and politeness, especially when they lose.


  • Even after losing the match, she remained a good sport and congratulated the winner.

B2Social Interactions

(informal)Someone who participates willingly in activities and maintains a positive attitude, even if they don't particularly enjoy them.


  • He was a good sport about attending the concert, even though it's not his favorite music.

B2General Behavior

(informal)An individual who stays cheerful and respectful in difficult or competitive situations.


  • Despite the tough circumstances, she was a good sport and kept everyone’s spirits up.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "good sport":

poor sportteam sportbeau joueurfair playfair gameclass actgood guysports fangood sortspectator sportteam playernice guy