grass tree

The term "grass tree" refers to various plants native to Australia and New Zealand, known for their grass-like leaves and resilience in harsh environments.

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B2Australian Flora

(technical)A plant of the genus Xanthorrhoea, characterized by a thick, woody trunk and a dense tuft of grass-like leaves.


  • The grass tree is often seen in Australian bushlands, standing tall with its distinctive trunk and leaves.

B2New Zealand Flora

(technical)A shrub of the genus Dracophyllum, known for its rigid, leathery leaves and ability to grow in drier climates and higher altitudes.


  • The grass tree, or spiderwood, can be found in the mountainous regions of New Zealand.

C1General Botany

(technical)Various species of plants with grass-like leaves and thick trunks, including those from the genera Xanthorrhoea, Dracophyllum, and Dasylirion.


  • Grass trees are adapted to survive wildfires, with their thick trunks protecting the vital core.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "grass tree":

gum treecabbage treetree cactusfood treehog gum treegrass oilflame treepalm grassrain treewater treeblood treebox treecandle treebroom bushtussock grassgrass handgrass topgrass pinksmoke treebottle treeturpentine treeumbrella treetallow treedead treesuicide treecow treeplane treetree cookiecalabash treetree poppytree wormgrass timetea treesea grapecandelabra treecaterpillar treeblue gumfan palmweeping treestrawberry treezebra plantneedle bushindigo bushtiger grass