green snake
"Green snakes" are small to medium-sized non-venomous snakes known for their distinctive green color, often found in various habitats including forests and grasslands.
(technical)A small to medium-sized non-venomous snake, typically found in North America, known for its bright green coloration and belonging to the genus Opheodrys.
- The green snake is often seen gliding through the grass in search of insects.
- Green snakes are popular among reptile enthusiasts due to their gentle nature.
(cultural, interpretative)A representation in dreams or cultural contexts, often associated with growth, transformation, and spiritual significance.
- In many cultures, a green snake is seen as a symbol of renewal and positive change.
- Dreaming of a green snake might indicate a period of personal growth or healing.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "green snake":
brown snakewater snakesnake vinerock snakesand snakesnake outsnake dancegrass snakesnake eyessea snakecarpet snakesnow snakethunder snakepilot snakesnake cactussnake beangreen pit vipersnake's headsnake gourdwhip snakecoral snakesnake pitharlequin snakedeath addersea adderemerald tree boasand vipergreen mambahoop snakegreen dragonboa constrictorsnake oilhorned vipergreen frogbanana spidergreen anthognose snaketree boagreen tree frograttlesnake weed