gum tree
The term "gum tree" broadly refers to trees that exude a gum-like substance, notably species within the Eucalyptus genus, and is commonly used in Australia and New Zealand.
(general)Any tree that produces a gum-like substance, especially species within the Eucalyptus genus.
- The koala feeds primarily on the leaves of the gum tree.
(regional, North America)A tree of the genus Liquidambar, known for its aromatic resin.
- The sweetgum tree is often planted in parks for its vibrant autumn colors.
(regional, North America)A tree of the genus Nyssa, commonly known as tupelo, which produces a gummy sap.
- The tupelo, or black gum tree, thrives in wetland areas.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "gum tree":
hog gum treeblue gumswamp gumblack gumgrass treesweet gumsour gumyellow gumturpentine treerubber treegum stickred gumtea treetallow treerain treetung treeblood treeplane treewater treesilky oakforest mahoganyumbrella treefood treeamber treeflame treecamphor treepeppermint treecandle treerubber planttoothache treesilk-cotton treekapok treecypress pinesmoke treelacquer treecabbage treecalabash treetree cookie